Do you get regular medicines?
Save time and help your GP practice, your pharmacy and the NHS by using electronic repeat dispensing.
Your doctor will send a series of repeat prescriptions to your pharmacy in one go, so there's no need for you to order them each time.
Visit or ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information.
Download our eRD Leaflet (PDF, 161KB)
If you are on regular treatment your doctor will authorise the issue of repeat prescriptions which will be entered on the computer so that you can obtain supplies of your medication without seeing your doctor on each occasion.
Your doctor will still wish to see you at intervals to monitor your progress and modify your treatment as necessary. When you receive your prescription there will be a tear-off portion giving details of your repeat medication. This should be returned to the surgery when you need further medication after ticking the items that you require.
Please give 2 working days notice when requesting a repeat prescription and do not leave it until you have run out completely.
We do not accept requests for repeat prescriptions over the telephone. This is to avoid mistakes, to save overloading our switchboard (which is often very busy) and to make the most effective use of staff time.
A maximum of two months’ medication is given on repeat prescription with the exception of the contraceptive pill or HRT, which is six months. Patients needing longer supplies, eg because they are going on extended holiday, or working on contract abroad, can have up to three months' medication at the doctors discretion.
Repeat prescriptions may be requested:
- Personally, by putting it in the box in the entrance hall or in the box by reception
- By post, enclosing a stamped addressed envelope
- We are now offering our patients the facility to order repeat prescriptions and book appointments online.
This online service is called SystmOnline.
How to sign up for SystmOnline
- Come to the Surgery in person with two forms of ID, one being a photo-ID, either a current passport or photo driving licence. We will also accept a current bank statement, utility bill or council tax bill as the other form of ID. The receptionist will deal with your registration for SystmOnline and will give you your registration details.
- We will then supply you with a username and first password.
- Then to start using the service visit SystmOnline
Prescription Requests
Please note: the ordering system is only for repeat medication prescriptions.
The free text box on the ordering screen is so that you can specify whether you would like your prescription to stay in the surgery or go down to Cohens Pharmacy.